Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Get Legitimate Work From Home Phone Sex Operator Jobs

Have you been trying to figure out how to get legitimate work from home phone sex operator jobs? They are easy to find if you want them. They pay well, however it is more work than you think emotionally. You have to look at it as if it is an acting job and tell yourself that you are performing a part with each conversation. It is alike an adlib acting job. It is not for everyone and if you have a husband and/or children, you really should think of them before accepting the position. Unless you can work in complete privacy it is not a good job for you.

EMOTIONS - Even if you prepare yourself ahead of time, this job can wreak havoc on your emotions. You need to step out side of yourself emotionally and focus only on what needs to be said to keep the caller on the line. Most phone sex operator jobs pay you by the minute, so the longer you can keep the caller on the line the better. Also, if they say something verbally abusive or hang up, you cannot take it personally, you need to let it go immediately.

RESEARCH THE PHONE SEX COMPANIES - There are phone sex operator positions where you can set your hours and work from the comfort of your own home. There may be a few upfront costs if you need a certain telephone headset, etc. Each company has its own rules and compensation. Some pay by the hour, some pay by the minute that you are on the call. Research several before you decide which one is best for you.

PAY - People claim to make $10-$20 per hour. Ask the company how much they expect you to make. Most companies pay within 2 weeks of the work performed.

TRAINING - If you want to know how to get legitimate work from home phone sex operator jobs you can find out a lot about the company by asking about their training. Most legitimate companies will offer free job training. They should give you as much training as you need. They can also provide you with sample scripts so that you know what to say.

Now you know how to get legitimate work from home phone sex operator jobs.

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