Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So You Want to Work At Home

It is actually very easy to get started working at home. I will go into more complicated steps later, let's just get you started with your first blog or website first. I prefer starting with free blogs. Why pay for something that you can get for free. You wil want to keep your overhead low or at zero, like it is for me.

You can get a free blog in a couple of places. Here at blogger.com it is very easy to set up, plus it is easy to get started using google adsense.

When you start you first blog you will want to name it the same as your keyword for your business or topic. As you can see, my blog is about working at home. I added the for beginners because work at home was taken. For example, if you want to have a blog about diets or diet pills then you should research keywords for your niche. Use keywords that are popular. You can find good keywords by getting the free software at goodkeywords.com

You will then need to open a google adsense account. It may take a few days for you to get approved. After you have been approved add the ads to your account on the layout page if you are using blogger.com

You will like your work at home job just as much as I do! Don't make money the hard way, You can make fast money the easy way and in your pajamas too!

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