Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How To Become a Phone Operator (Not Sex)

If you would like to know how to become a phone operator (not sex), you have come to the right place. Being a phone operator is one of the best work at home jobs that you can find. The hours are great, the pay is excellent and you do not need to get out of your pajamas. If you have a quiet home with privacy and an excellent speaking voice, becoming a phone operator may be the right job for you.

As employers and large companies scramble to save money, you can benefit by becoming a phone operator that works from home. Companies spend a lot of money on employees that come into a physical building. They can save money by having you work from home.

You may be required to have an upgraded computer that can handle the software and programs that will need to be installed in order to become a telephone operator. The company will supply everything you need such as headsets and software, but you will be required to have your own computer.

TELEPHONE OPERATOR - There are many telephone operator jobs available. You can find listings for telephone operator careers on all of the major job websites. It is best if you have some experience, but training is normally available.

CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS - Becoming a customer service agent requires more knowledge than a regular telephone operator. You may be required to learn about the product or service that you are a representing. It also may require some technical knowledge. Of course customer service agent jobs will pay more than a telephone operator salary.

DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE - Directory assistance agent jobs are opening up all over the country. There is very little experience needed, just general knowledge and a pleasant speaking voice.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT - For individuals looking for a technical support job, much more experience is needed. Technical support positions require a vast knowledge in many areas.

You can become a phone operator (not sex) today!

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